Nature and Forest Therapy Guides



Serving Tea

Tea is how we end each forest therapy walk. It marks the threshold of incorporation. This incorporation is both literal and metaphorical. In drinking tea made from plants foraged in the forest, we are literally taking the forest into our bodies. Through the process of ceremony, we are also harvesting the wisdom or medicine we have received during the walk and putting it into the tea as well.

Tea Gallery

Guide community Images submitted in Guided Walk Reports

Tea ceremony is a special component of guided forest therapy walks and each of you has your own individual expression. As you scroll through photos you may be inspired to add a new element or arrange your setting in a new way.

Below is a list of tea ceremony resources shared by fellow guides that you can browse through. If you have some favorite items like cups, thermos, cloth, sit upons, tea pots, etc. please submit a form, so new guides and others can benefit. Sharing resources is a lovely we can support our fellow guides.

Tea Resources

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