Pro Deals - Save Big on Outdoor Clothing & Gear

September 11, 2019

Guiding in the outdoors, often year round, means an investment in clothing and gear, which can be costly. One way to save is to apply for Pro Deals!


Pro deals are deep discounts on outdoor gear exclusively for outdoor industry professionals. As an outdoor professional you provide the most authentic and effective form of marketing: personal knowledge and experience. You have the power to influence others, and because of this, brands are willing to offer you discounts on their products.

These companies ask that you only purchase items for yourself and that you not tell others you have a pro deal account. Some brands, like Keen, do allow family member purchases and offer periodic discount codes to share with friends and family.

ANFT has a webpage dedicated to Pro Deals from brands where an ANFT staff member has been approved. ANFT cannot guarantee that you will be approved for a pro deal. To improve your chances for success, it's recommended that you use a business email that is linked to your forest therapy practice and, preferably, a website that shows you have an active forest therapy business. You will also be asked to upload a pay stub or check that shows you are employed by a company that aligns with outdoor guiding.

Each application is different, but most request a description of your work. Here is an example of how you might describe your work to appeal to a brand:
"I am a certified forest therapy guide leading public and private walks along trails on public and private land. Forest therapy guided walks are typically 2-3 hours with 5-15 people participating. We stress that nature is always open, you just need the right gear to enjoy it. Participants are requested to dress appropriately for the weather and terrain."

If you have a Pro Deal with a company other than what is listed on the ANFT webpage, especially outside the United States, please email Michele with information—brand, contact, any special requirements. This is a great opportunity to save money and market the brands we support.