Level 3 Members Portal

Explore your exclusive benefits

As a Level 3 member you have access to Professional Development Resources that include our monthly Professional Development Member Call Series, recorded training talks and lectures, and Pro Deals from outdoor gear retailers and businesses. You are also eligible to apply to become a Trail Certification Consultant, a Trainer, or a Mentor! Each of these will earn you a badge on your profile to demonstrate your commitment to this practice and market yourself as a professional forest therapy guide that will assist you in marketing yourself to clients. Remember, you also have access to everything in the Member Portal!

Access Professional Development Member Call Series - upcoming and past recorded calls, Training Talks and Lectures

Access outdoor gear companies who offer deep discounts to professional guides and other businesses offering discounts

Learn about the Trail Certification Consultant program and submit your application!

Trainers and Mentors are needed as ANFT grows. Read about the process and discover if it's a good fit for you.